Friday, May 13, 2011

Sorry for those of you that were waiting for updates… Although I am not getting things completed as fast as I would like, progress has been made.

 I have installed the front suspension minus the shocks (they are on backorder) most of which was fairly straight forward. I problem spent more time thinking and reading about how to install the suspension then the actual hands on work.

 You can see from the above photo that there is a few inches of toe out on each side, nothing that my new trusty Dremel tool can’t handle.

 Once I cut off 1” off the outer tie rods I was able to adjust the arms and get the wheels straightened out enough to leave well enough alone until I get the wheels on for a pre-alignment.
As you can see from the front suspension pictures, I also installed the front brakes – I must be honest. This is the first time I have touched a set of calipers and brake pads since I was a teenager and I looked at all of the parts and I didn’t have a clue how to put this puzzle together.
A quick email to my friend Paul Hartman to see if he wanted to meet for lunch and I brought my box of parts and pieces and Paul gave me the first hand knowledge I was looking for.
I also decided to get the engine bay aluminum panels powder coated to match the powder coating of the chassis. You can see the nice match up on this F Panel. All the other panels I have treated with Sharkhide metal protectant since these will not be visable they only need to be sealed so that the aluminum does not oxides.

Jacob came over and helped to install the footbox. After installing the foot box I was a bit disappointed in the quality or lack there of in the gas pedal. I am about 90% sure that I am going to install a Russ Thompson made gas pedal. More to follow on that or rather more thinking and reading before I make a final decision…